Speech (2) by Lim Kit Siang in Parliament on the Royal Address on
Tuesday, 6th May 2008:
Abdullah should not miss his second and final opportunity to push
through reforms to transform Malaysia into a world-class competitive
nation after his squandering his 2004 general election mandate with 91%
parliamentary majority
It is almost two months since the March 8 political tsunami of the
2008 general election which saw the end of Barisan Nasional’s unbroken
two-thirds parliamentary majority and the loss of state government in
five states – Penang, Perak, Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan.
More than two weeks after the March 8 political tsunami, the Prime
Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi admitted that the result of
the elections was a strong message that he “had not moved fast enough in
pushing through with the reforms that he had promised to undertake’ when
he was given an unprecedented mandate in the 2004 general election
winning 91% of the parliamentary seats.
Abdullah said: “I thank the Malaysian people for the message. Point made
and point taken.”
It was a sign of the Prime Minister grappling with the serious problem
of denial but it was not assuring enough as he had missed the whole
point of the March 8 electoral verdict – not that he “had not moved fast
enough” in reforms he had pledged more than four years ago, but that he
had hardly moved at all apart from reform sloganeering and periodically
paying lip service to them.
Have Abdullah and his Cabinet now got the full message of Malaysians in
the March 8 political tsunami?
This was my first parliamentary question to the Prime Minister last
Wednesday asking him “to outline the top ten priority reform measures
which his government will implement in the next 12 months to demonstrate
that he has heard the voices of the people in the March 8, 2008
‘political tsunami’”
This is the Prime Minister’s written answer:
Seperti yang telah saya nyatakan sebelum ini, pihak Kerajaan
menghormati keputusan rakyat sebagaimana yang telah dizahirkan dalam
Pilihanraya Umum ke-12 baru-baru ini, dan kita menerima keputusan
tersebut dengan hati yang terbuka. Pada masa yang sama, kita juga akan
memastikan agar mandat yang telah diberi oleh rakyat, untuk terus
mentadbir Negara ke arah kejayaan dan kegemilangan tidak akan
Kerajaan yang saya pimpin adalah kerajaan yang berpengalaman;
kerajaan yang terbukti. Namun saya percaya bahawa Kerajaan yang saya
pimpin ini tidaklah bersifat jumud. Saya yakin bahawa Kerajaan pimpinan
saya akan terus bersedia untuk menjiwai hasrat rakyat, serta menangani
isu-isu yang menjadi bebanan serta menimbulkan kegusaran rakyat.
Atas dasar itu lah, maka saya telah mengumumkan sebuah agenda
pembaharuan bagi memenuhi hasrat rakyat. Butiran agenda tersebut adalah
seperti berikut:
• Pertama: menangani impak kenaikan harga barang, terutamanya
makanan, akibat arus pasaran global;
• Kedua: mengkaji semula pelaksanaan pelan-pelan ekonomi negara
bagi memastikan agar faedah pembangunan negara akan dinikmati oleh
setiap rakyat;
• Ketiga: mengurangkan jurang pendapatan dikalangan dan
diantara golongan etnik, di samping memastikan kesaksamaan untuk semua
rakyat Malaysia;
• Keempat: mengurangkan kadar jenayah;
• Kelima: meneruskan usaha kearah memerangi rasuah dan
meningkatkan budaya integriti;
• Keenam: menyokong pembaharuan serta meningkatkan keyakinan
rakyat terhadap institusi kehakiman dan
• Ketujuh: menangani isu sensitive berhubung agama termasuk
pembinaan dan pemindahan rumah ibadat.
Setakat ini, saya telahpun membuat beberapa pengumuman
berkaitan dengan agenda yang telah saya gariskan dan ianya telah
diterima baik oleh rakyat. Pembaharuan-pembaharuan ini adalah tambahan
kepada agenda pembangunan nasional seperti yang digariskan dalam Misi
Nasional dan Wawasan 2020. Saya yakin bahawa agenda besar Kerajaan ini
akan dapat menambah baik kualiti kehidupan rakyat, dan saya percaya
rakyat akan terus memberikan sokongan kepada Kerajaan dalam usaha untuk
melaksanakan pelbagai langkah bagi membawa Malaysia kearah era yang
lebih gemilang.
I am shocked that after almost two months of the March 8 political
tsunami and more than four years of failure to deliver the reforms he
had promised in the 2004 general election,, the Prime Minister could not
name ten areas for priority reform but had to make do with seven.
What about the immediate and unconditional release of the five Hindraf
leaders, P. Uthayakumar, DAP Selangor State Assemblyman M. Manoharan, V.
Ganabatirau, R. Kenghadharan, T. Vasantha Kumar and all the other
detainees under the Internal Security Act, totally over 60 persons with
some inc arcerated for over six years?
What about the repeal of all draconian and repressive laws like the
Internal Security Act, the Police Act, the Official Secrets Act, the
Sedition Act and the Printing Presses and Publications Act?
What about the full implementation of the 125 recommendations of the
Royal Police commission to create an efficient, incorruptible,
professional world-class police service to reduce crime, eradicate
corruption and uphold human rights, particularly the establishment of an
Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC)?
What about mass media reforms to allow free and responsible press to
flourish in Malaysia?
What about parliamentary reforms and modernization to create a
first-world Parliament ?
What about the full commitment to enhance Malaysia’s international
competitiveness to enable the country to successfully face the
challenges of globalization – sending out the single-minded message that
the future well-being, progress and prosperity of the nation hinges on
the ability of Malaysians to compete with the rest of the world and not
Malays versus non-Malays?
And most important of all – what about nation-building reforms as the
most important message of the March 8 political tsunami is
marginalization and alienation of Malaysians, regardless of ethnicity,
religion, geography and even political affiliation by the
nation-building process.
The Barisan Nasional government had spent RM100 million to celebrate the
50th Merdeka anniversary, and we are still in the midst of this
celebration which is meant to be a year-long affair from August 31 last
Money had been squandered on meaningless fanfare, ceremonies and
fireworks which had no meaning for the people or nation in pointing the
future towards a more united, harmonious, just, progressive and
prosperous Malaysia in the next 50 years.
In fact, the months leading up to the major 50th Merdeka anniversary
celebrations on August 31st last year and its ensuing months were most
divisive ones, as they saw racial, religious and political polarization
at their worst.
Ironically, the most important and meaningful event in the 50th Merdeka
anniversary is none other than the March 8 “political tsunami’ in the
2008 general election which, by sweeping away the two-thirds
parliamentary majority of Umno and Barisan Nasional and power in five
states, should be taken as a wake-up call to all Malaysians that
something is very wrong with the 50-year Malaysian nation-building
Two days after the 2008 general election result, an op-ed article
appeared in the Asian Wall Street Journal (March 11) in the name of the
Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, entitled "Malaysia
will heal her divisions", where the Prime Minister pledged:
"As there has been much speculation about the implications of our
election results, I wish to offer clarity on three critically important
"First, we have heard the voice of our citizens, and I will dedicate
myself, in this second term, to healing the divisions which became
evident during the campaign. That will mean developing new and concrete
initiatives, not just rhetoric, that bring our people together and
ensure that no one is left behind as Malaysia prospers, whether they are
ethnic Malays, Chinese or Indians."
Are Barisan Nasional MPs and backbenchers prepared to speak up for the
immediate and unconditional release of the five Hindraf leaders and all
the other ISA detainees in the present session of Parliament?
Kit Siang, DAP Central Policy and Strategic
Planning Commission Chairman & MP for Ipoh Timor